Ever wonder why our hair turns gray? Are you tired of dyeing your hair to cover those gray strands. Well researchers have discovered what causes our hair to turn gray.  The need to use hair dyes to cover up those gray hair strands will soon be a thing of the past!


Going gray is caused by a massive build up of hydrogen peroxide due to wear and tear of our hair follicles. The hydrogen peroxide ends up blocking the normal production of melanin, our hair’s natural pigment. Melanin is the pigment responsible for hair color, as well as skin color, and eye colour.


Hydrogen peroxide eventually blocks the normal production of melanin, the natural pigment responsible for hair color, as well as skin and eye color.


The researchers made this discovery by examining native hair and cells isolated from human hair follicles. They found that the reduction in melanin production was the result of a complex series of events involving four different enzymes in the hair follicle cells.


The researchers found that this massive build up of hydrogen peroxide can be reversed with a UVB-activated compound called PC-KUS, a modified pseudocatalase. The research team developed this new proprietary treatment.


PC-KUS treatment is also effective for patients with vitiligo. Vitiligois a long-term skin problem that produces white depigmentation patches that develop and grow in certain sections of skin.

Source: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com

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