Natural hair chat

Natural Hair Chat – Living A Healthy Lifestyle

My Natural Hair Chat,

I am a wife and mother of six kids who is passionate about growing a healthy head of natural hair and living a healthy lifestyle.

It’s been over 7 years since I last relaxed my hair.

I’ve learned a lot plus made some great discoveries that will take me to the next level of maintaining healthy head of hair.

You see caring for our hair should be easy and not complicated at all.

For my children’s sake I am on a mission to learn what works and share my findings.

Also, to obtain optimal health you should be living a healthy lifestyle.

I will be sharing simple tips that works for me and will help you reach your goal.

So, Let’s get together and chat about all things healthy hair growth and living a healthy lifestyle.

Also, here is a great article about 7 Things You Must Know About Your Hair here.

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