DIY Buttermilk Conditioner Recipe

DIY Buttermilk Conditioner Recipe

Looking for a quick homemade damage repairing DIY Buttermilk Conditioner Recipe for your natural hair  that you can use straight from the kitchen? Finally,  this is the best Buttermilk Hair Conditioner recipe will help revitalize your dry damaged tresses! Most of all, the wonderful thing about buttermilk is that it is rich in proteins and vitamins B-12, A, C and B-6! This is just what we need to maintain strong healthy hair!

Supplies Needed

½ cup organic buttermilk
1 cup plain organic yogurt
1/2 organic avocado
1 tsp virgin coconut oil or jojoba oil



Combine all the ingredients distribute throughout the hair from roots to ends.
Next, cover your hair with a plastic cap. Then let it sit in the hair for 30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

More Info

Like chocolate and don’t mind store bought try my LeMoka Deep Conditioning Hair Mask.

If you tried this recipe or have an interest in more hair care recipes please let me know in the comment section below.

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  1. All natural organic hair care solutions never fail to give good results. Buttermilk conditioner recipe happens to be very simple for anyone to make and keep their hair healthy. At least once a week use of the recipe is ideal and just as practical.

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