Stimulate Faster Hair Growth

5 Ways Tow Stimulate Faster Hair Growth

Stimulate Faster Hair Growth – Have you been trying to grow out your hair, and it seems to be going nowhere? There are a number of factors that can affect hair growth like what we put in our body, what we apply on our hair, and how we care for our scalp. Here are five natural ways you can speed up your hair growth to achieve long, soft, luscious locks.

1. Get Your Vitamins

This is the most vital step. Achieving a sufficient dosage of seven key vitamins for hair growth is essential if you want to grow your hair faster. The most important of these vitamins is Vitamin H – also referred to as Biotin. Bition is known as the “hair vitamin” as it strengthens the hair, improves elasticity and adds volume. Vitamin E is another key vitamin that is famous for its positive impact on our hair, nails and skin.

2. Lock-In Moisture

Keeping your hair moisturized is one of the keys to healthy hair, and it will also enable faster growth. Try this honey hair conditioner recipe to lock in moisture:

Mix half a cup of honey, a quarter of a cup of extra virgin olive oil, four drops of rosemary oil and one teaspoon of xanthan gum. Transfer to an airtight container and apply the mixture to damp hair a little at a time. Leave in for half an hour, and then rinse out with a natural shampoo and cool water.

If you don’t want to create a moisturizing recipe yourself, you might want to check out  Argan oil instead. Just apply a few drops to the roots of your hair.

3. Use A Hair Growth Shampoo

There are some shampoos and conditioners that have been designed to stimulate hair growth.  Look for shampoos that are infused with herbs or fruit extracts.

Have you tried any natural hair growth shampoos and conditioners? If so, how did they work?

4. Remove Dirt

Removing dirt, bacteria, and residue from your scalp will unclog hair follicles. Clogged follicles stunt new hair growth. A hair rinse containing equal measures of apple cider vinegar and water will help to wash away dirt. Worried about your hair smelling like vinegar later! Just make sure you rinse very well. Any remaining vinegar smell will fade as your hair dries.

5. Regular Scalp Massage

Scalp massage stimulates blood flow in the capillaries allowing greater distribution of essential nutrients to the hair follicles. As already mentioned, massaging Argan oil is one option, but if you don’t have any on hand, coconut oil works just as well. Coconut oil contains a compound known as lauric acid which, when massaged into the hair, fights bacteria and unblocks follicles.

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Until Next Post Stay Tuned,


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